The unit is composed by a team of experts in various disciplines and professional routes linked to the care of people, adults and children, who have suffered a situation of great emotional impact.

Our long-term experience allows us to offer comprehensive care, advice and intervention for all those who have suffered the consequences of a terrorist attack.

The essence of the unit lies in offering comprehensive attention and support to all those people who are going through these difficult times.

Get to know the administrative, legal and health circuit

The administrative-legal-medical circuit is sometimes the origin of a second victimization, sinuous and uncertain, in the lives of those affected. From the UAVAT there is a commitment to advise, accompany and facilitate the necessary resources in order to reduce the impact of the administrative journey of victims and affected by terrorism.

Administrative, legal and health circuit for victims of terrorist attacks

The victims and those affected by terrorism go through a medical-administrative-procedural procedure of their own. All this, covered by a specific legal coverage based on Law 29/2011, of September 22, of recognition and comprehensive protection for victims of terrorism (BOE No. 229, of September 23).

The UAVAT is based on three fundamental pillars: psychological care, expert assessment and victimological prevention, in order to be a private, stable, coordinated and specialized resource in terrorist victimology.

Immediate attention

Immediate medical, psychological and health care from the different public and health devices.

In this first intervention, as usual, the filiation of wounded and affected is carried out for their subsequent monitoring by the police, health and primary care authorities.

Monitoring and / or health-psychological intervention

During the period after the terrorist attack, victims and victims can request immediate psychological attention:

There is a term of 1 year and Law 29/2011 of recognition and comprehensive protection for victims promotes economic and professional resources for intervention and psychological treatment.

Judicial proceedings

The victims and affected people may appear individually (private accusation) or jointly (popular accusation) in the judicial proceedings. In this sense, there are multiple associations of victims of terrorism and others that can be filed as a popular accusation in judicial proceedings.

It is important to prove through psychological, medical, forensic evaluations, supporting and / or probative documentation of the day of the terrorist attack and other necessary documentary, the victim’s reality in the judicial process.

Reparations for damages

Recognition, payment and information of the following indemnities and aid derived from terrorist attacks.

Personal information with personalized attention to victims of terrorism is provided in the offices of the General Directorate of Support for Victims of Terrorism, specifically, in the General vice principal of Aids to Victims of Terrorism. The UAVAT also provides advice on administrative, compensation and judicial processes to victims who require it.

Basic information

General Directorate of Support for Victims of Terrorism

The General Directorate of Support for Victims of Terrorism is responsible for exercising the powers attributed to it by the Ministry of the Interior in terms of assistance and support to victims of terrorism, and those related to comprehensive protection and the necessary collaboration with the different Public administrations.

In particular, the following functions correspond to the General Directorate:

  • Immediate assistance to those affected after the commission of a terrorist attack, informing and supporting the victims and their families.

  • Receive and channel, as a one-stop shop, requests for any procedure that may be initiated by persons and relatives who suffer the terrorist action before the General State Administration, which will include assistance and guidance to persons and relatives who suffer the action of the terrorism and the referral to the competent institution of the petitions deduced and the relationship with the interested party.

  • Collaboration with associations, foundations and other public and private institutions whose objective is to assist victims of terrorism and preserve their memory, as well as the processing of grants to associations and foundations whose purpose is representation and defense of the interests of the victims of terrorism.

  • Collaboration with the competent institutions of the General State Administration and the other Public Administrations in the Areas of assistance and support for victims of terrorism, in order to ensure comprehensive protection for victims. This collaboration will be extended to the different offices of attention to victims of crimes of terrorism existing in courts and prosecutor’s offices.

  • The processing, management and proposal of resolution of the files of aid, reparations and decorations to those affected by terrorism offenses, as well as the repetition of the amount paid by the State against the civilly liable for the crime of terrorism.

  • The formulation of studies, reports and, where appropriate, proposals for regulatory or organizational reforms that optimize the assistance and benefits regime established or that may be established for the improvement of the rights of those affected by terrorism.

  • Collaboration with the competent institutions of the General State Administration and the other public Administrations in matters of public assistance and benefits for victims of terrorism. This collaboration will be extended to the different offices of attention to victims of crimes of terrorism existing in courts and prosecutor’s offices.

Aid to victims of terrorist acts

  • Request for compensation for personal injury

  • Application for reparations for property damage

  • Request for health or psychological assistance

  • Request for immediate psychological assistance

  • Request for aid for threats

  • Application for study grants

  • Request for extraordinary help

  • Certificates of terrorism victims

  • Medal honor award request

  • Subsidies

  • Electronic services

Care resources

General Directorate of Support for Victims of Terrorism (DGAVT)

  • Recognition, payment and information of the following indemnities and aid derived from terrorist attacks

  • For personal injuries:

    • Death

    • Permanent disabilities in their different degrees

    • Permanent non-disabling injuries

    • Temporary disability

    • Kidnapping

    • Civil liability set by final judgment

    • Exceptional aid for damages suffered abroad

  • For material damages: damages in homes, vehicles, mercantile or industrial establishments, headquarters of political parties, unions and social organizations.

  • Health and psychosocial aids, for medical and psychological treatments, prostheses and surgical interventions.

  • Educational aid depending on the cycle or educational level for which it is requested.

  • Extraordinary aid to alleviate situations of personal or family need of the victims and of the people threatened by terrorist organizations

  • Processing and information of decorations of the Royal Order of Civil Recognition for the Victims of Terrorism

  • Psychosocial care for victims of terrorism through different projects

    • Work insertion

    • Social intervention

    • Home care

    • Psychological project

    • Accompaniment to trials

  • Processing of grants to associations and foundations of victims of terrorism.

  • Issuance of certificates for the exercise of the rights recognized to victims of terrorism, among others:

    • Exemption from academic fees

    • Exemption from court fees

    • Exemption of fees to proof of access to official jobs

    • Work bonuses

    • Access to housing

    • Geographical mobility

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